I want to ask how can I convert excel to pdf?
I want to put 5 excel files and after I click upload in convert to 1 pdf?
for now I use in this code:
* Example: DOMPDF
* Documentation:
* http://code.google.com/p/dompdf/wiki/Usage
public function index() {
// Load all views as normal
// Get output html
$html = $this->output->get_output();
// Load library
// Convert to PDF
the library:
class Dompdf_gen {
public function __construct() {
require_once APPPATH.'third_party/dompdf/dompdf_config.inc.php';
$pdf = new DOMPDF();
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->dompdf = $pdf;
I do not understand the problem. like in this code:
how i put after i upload excel file and cover it to pdf? this function is only for HTML
first of things , you have to dump all excel to php array or var , after that you can create pdf as you want , this is simple php script for convert excel to pdf , you can use it and convert it to subclass of codeigniter as well
please check this url
PHP read excel file
when you use that class your excel data will be with you so you can use another class for pdf and this class will help you
codeigniter create PDF file
hopeful this is helpful for you .