We run JUnit test from Ant script, as follows. When the test failed, I expect it to output the stack dump of the exception that casuses the failure, but it doesn't. Is there any trick to get it dumped?
<target description="Run JUnit tests" name="run-junit" depends="build-junit">
<copy file="./AegisLicense.txt" tofile="test/junit/classes/AegisLicense.txt" overwrite="true"/>
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" fork="yes" forkmode="once" failureproperty="run-aegis-junit-failed" showoutput="yes" filtertrace="off">
<classpath refid="Aegisoft.testsupport.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="test/junit/classes"/>
<fileset dir="test/junit/src">
<include name="**"/>
I've posted this here before I saw this question. I think this question is a duplicate.
Here is my junit tag that does produce the exception trace
I think the one nested element that will do it for you is