I am creating a string that is a list of comma-delimitted values by looping through the selections in a CheckBoxList. I am able to display this value, so I know that it is creating what I expect. I am attempting to pass this list to an IN statment in a SELECT query:
SelectCommand="SELECT ThisDate, DATEPART(dw, ThisDate) AS Expr1 FROM fbCalendar WHERE (ThisDate >= @ThisDate) AND (ThisDate <= @ThisDate2) AND (DATEPART(dw, ThisDate) IN (@TheseDays))"
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Label1" Name="TheseDays" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
This works fine as long as there is only a single item selected, but selecting a second item fails with the message: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '4,5' to data type int.
However, I do not understand when this would be converted to an INT. I have tried many different formatting attempts (such as encapsulating the string in parenthesis (e.g. "(4,5)" ) for the SELECT query, but I have yet to find the right one to make this work. It seems like formatting is the problem, but perhaps I am missing something else.
You don't have to create an actual table. You can use a Table Valued Function and use that in your query e.g. as below.
This uses the TVF from http://www.eggheadcafe.com/community/aspnet/13/10021854/fnsplit.aspx).
It is because, you are trying to pass a parameter with the way cannot be done with IN statement.
Take a look that post which explains some other ways that you may use. SQL - Stored Procedure with Select Statement using IN (@Variable_CommaDelimitedListOfIDS)