I am clicking on REFRESH FIELDS for my query for a shared dataset, and getting this error:
here's my query:
p.AgeCodePL ,
p.BirthDate ,
p.CommunityIDY ,
p.Company ,
p.CreatedbyUser ,
p.DateCreated ,
p.DateExpired ,
p.DateUpdated ,
p.Department ,
p.EthnicityFK ,
p.FirstName firstFirstName,
p.GenderUL ,
p.LastName ,
p.MaritalStatusUL ,
p.MiddleName ,
p.NickName ,
p.PeopleIDY ,
p.PrefixUL ,
p.RaceUL ,
p.ReligionUL ,
p.Salutation ,
p.SpouseName ,
p.SSN ,
p.SuffixUL ,
p.Title ,
p.UpdatedbyUser ,
r.ACT_ID ,
r.HEA_ID ,
r.INT_ID ,
r.LIF_ID ,
r.NetworkSet ,
r.PER_ID ,
r.RES_Active ,
r.RES_Bio ,
r.RES_BioUpdate ,
r.RES_BioUpdateBy ,
r.RES_CommunityIDY ,
r.RES_CurrentUnitNumber ,
r.RES_DateStarted ,
r.RES_DiscNotes1 ,
r.RES_DiscNotes2 ,
r.RES_DiscNotes3 ,
r.RES_DiscNotes4 ,
r.RES_DiscNotes5 ,
r.RES_ExpiredDate ,
r.RES_ExpiredUser ,
r.RES_FinishedDate ,
r.RES_HasImage ,
r.RES_LastUserUpdated ,
r.RES_LobbyBio ,
r.RES_LobbyBioUpdate ,
r.RES_LobbyBioUpdateBy ,
r.RES_NoPart ,
r.RES_PeopleIDY ,
r.RES_PhyMoveInDate ,
r.RES_TasksSet ,
r.RES_UpdatedImage ,
r.STA_ID ,
r.STA_Type ,
r.TES_ID ,
rr.CommunityIDY ,
rr.CurrentUnitNumber ,
rr.Gender ,
rr.MainBirthDate ,
rr.MainFirstName ,
rr.MainLastName ,
rr.MainPeopleIDY ,
rr.Name ,
rr.ProspectIDY ,
s.RES_ID ,
s.STA_Active ,
s.STA_CreatedOn ,
s.STA_DateUpdated ,
s.STA_Details ,
s.STA_EditedDate ,
s.STA_EditedUser ,
s.STA_ID ,
s.STA_Reason ,
s.STA_Solution ,
s.STA_Type ,
s.STA_User ,
u.PRO_ID ,
u.STU_ID ,
u.TEA_ID ,
u.USR_AboutMe ,
u.USR_Active ,
u.USR_AllComm ,
u.USR_Bday ,
u.USR_BdayDay ,
u.USR_CellPhone ,
u.USR_CommLocation ,
u.USR_CommunityIDY ,
u.USR_ContactFor ,
u.USR_DirectPhone ,
u.USR_Email ,
u.USR_EntAdmin ,
u.USR_FavBooks ,
u.USR_FavMovies ,
u.USR_FavPart ,
u.USR_FavQuotes ,
u.USR_Fax ,
u.USR_First ,
u.USR_Goals ,
u.USR_HasImage ,
u.USR_HomeTown ,
u.USR_ID ,
u.USR_Interests ,
u.USR_INTL_Password ,
u.USR_INTL_UserName ,
u.USR_IsSales ,
u.USR_JoinedKisco ,
u.USR_Last ,
u.USR_LastLogin ,
u.USR_LastProUpdate ,
u.USR_Name ,
u.USR_OtherTeams ,
u.USR_Password ,
u.USR_PlacesBeen ,
u.USR_REPS_Password ,
u.USR_REPS_UserName ,
u.USR_Role ,
Status s
Inner Join Residents r
Left Join REPSResidents rr
ON rr.MainPeopleIDY = r.RES_PeopleIDY
Inner Join Associate u
ON s.STA_User = u.USR_ID
Inner Join KSLSQL1.[RPS-201065-000].dbo.people p
ON r.RES_PeopleIDY = p.PeopleIDY
rr.CommunityIDY in (@Community)
and (s.STA_Reason is not null and s.STA_Reason <> '')
and s.STA_Active = 1
and s.STA_DateUpdated between @BegDate and dateadd(d,1,@EndDate)
Order by
s.STA_DateUpdated DESC
what am i doing wrong?
The issue is because you have two columns with the exact same name in your query:
The columns must have different names. Either give them an alias to make them distinct or remove one of them, since they will have identical values based on your join.