I have datetime values stored in a field as strings. They are stored as strings because that's how they come across the wire and the raw values are used in other places.
For reporting, I want to convert the custom format string (yyyymmddhhmm) to a datetime field in a view. My reports will use the view and work with real datetime values. This will make queries involving date ranges much easier.
How do I perform this conversion? I created the view but can't find a way to convert the string to a datetime.
Update 1 -
Here's the SQL I have so far. When I try to execute, I get a conversion error "Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string."
How do I handle nulls and datetime strings that are missing the time portion (just yyyymmdd)?
dbo.PV1_B.PV1_F44_C1 AS ArrivalDT,
cast(substring(dbo.PV1_B.PV1_F44_C1, 1, 8)+' '+substring(dbo.PV1_B.PV1_F44_C1, 9, 2)+':'+substring(dbo.PV1_B.PV1_F44_C1, 11, 2) as datetime) AS ArrDT,
dbo.MSH_A.MSH_F9_C2 AS MessageType,
dbo.PID_A.PID_F5_C1 AS LastName,
dbo.PID_A.PID_F5_C2 AS FirstName,
dbo.PID_A.PID_F5_C3 AS MiddleInitial,
dbo.PV1_A.PV1_F2_C1 AS Score,
dbo.MSH_A.MessageID AS MessageId
INNER JOIN dbo.PID_A ON dbo.MSH_A.MessageID = dbo.PID_A.MessageID
INNER JOIN dbo.PV1_A ON dbo.MSH_A.MessageID = dbo.PV1_A.MessageID
INNER JOIN dbo.PV1_B ON dbo.MSH_A.MessageID = dbo.PV1_B.MessageID
Note that by storing date/time data using an inappropriate data type, you cannot prevent bad data from ending up in here. So it might be safer to do this: