I have some data as
RowIdentifier ID RowID Position Data Rn
1 1 1 a1 A1 1
2 1 2 a2 A2 1
3 1 3 a3 NULL 1
4 1 4 a3 A3 2
5 1 1 b1 B1 1
6 1 2 b2 NULL 1
7 1 3 b2 B2 2
8 1 4 b3 B3 1
The desired output being
ID RowID Position Data
1 1 a1 A1
1 1 b1 B1
1 2 a2 A2
1 2 b2 B2
1 3 a3 A3
1 3 b3 B3
I need to eliminate those rows where the Positions are duplicate and whose data are null. i.e. in the example, in RowIdentifier 3 and 4, the value in Position column is a3 but the thired RowIdentifier record will not appear in the final output as it has null in Data column.
The ddl is as under
Declare @t table(RowIdentifier int identity,ID int,RowID int,Position varchar(10),Data varchar(10),Rn int)
Insert into @t
Select 1,1,'a1','A1',1 union all
Select 1,2,'a2','A2',1 union all
Select 1,3,'a3',null,1 union all
Select 1,4,'a3','A3',2 union all
Select 1,1,'b1','B1',1 union all
Select 1,2,'b2',null,1 union all
Select 1,3,'b2','B2',2 union all
Select 1,4,'b3','B3',1
Select * from @t
My approach is as under
;with cte as(
Select ID,RowID,Position,Position as p2,Data,RowIdentifier from @t
union all
select c4.ID,c4.RowID,c4.Position,c5.Position , c4.Data,c4.RowIdentifier
from cte c5
join @t c4 on c4.Position = c5.Position
where c5.RowIdentifier < c4.RowIdentifier
cte2 as(
select * , rn = Row_Number() over(PARTITION by position order by RowIdentifier)
from cte where Data is not null)
select ID,RowID,Position,Data from cte2 where rn =1
But not working as per the expected output. My output is
ID RowID Position Data
1 1 a1 A1
1 2 a2 A2
1 4 a3 A3
1 1 b1 B1
1 3 b2 B2
1 4 b3 B3
Help needed
It's a simple aggregate after a filter
This preserves RowID from the original dataset which would be more correct
Try this code