I want to add gmail-like file upload functionality for one of my projects. Can anybody help me with this?
My application is built in vb.net.
I would appreciate any kind of help or guidance.
I want to add gmail-like file upload functionality for one of my projects. Can anybody help me with this?
My application is built in vb.net.
I would appreciate any kind of help or guidance.
For a non-flash solution, you can use NeatUpload. I used it on an extensive project last year with a no-flash requirement. It's very easy to integrate into existing solutions. I thought it was a breeze to work with. Easier, in my limited experience, than working with SWFUpload in ASP.NET. Probably because NeatUpload is built just for ASP.NET.
Are you talking about an upload without a full page postback? Take a look at http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/AjaxFileUpload-Demo/, which creates a hidden iframe, copies the input control, and uses the iframe to perform the post to get the file on the server.
If you're looking for the behavior where when the user clicks "attach file" and the file browsing dialog automatically pops up, that can be done via Javascript but doesn't work in FireFox, which has the security precaution of requiring the user to invoke the "Browse" button directly (rather than programmatically through script).
For the "automatic" upload, use Javascript to attach to the "change" event for the "value" property of the the 'input' control so that the will perform when a file has been selected.
You can use iFrames for this
You may use Flickr Uploader clone instead.
Now it has been 2 years, I used the uploadify in my legacy system and it works good. but you need to write some hack code (such like hold the session).
I recommend you use jquery upload, which is pure HTML, no swf, no session problems and really great!
== on 2013, what I wrote:
I am considering which to choose, SWFupload or uploadify .
but on SWFupload's official website , it says that it has not been under active development and the author is hoping someday the SWFupload could revive...
so ... I decided to try "uploadify", which seems supports many options, callbacks with lots of demos. (after checking its source code, I guess the author wraps the "SWFupload v1" and "SWFupload v2" in his "uploadify v3"...)
and there's a full list of this kind of uploaders.
From YUI! (Yahoo User Interface), https://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/uploader/
Totally Free