I am developing a demo for my app, in which there are two buttons named as "START" and "STOP". When user taps on "START" he will start walking. What I want to do is make it so that when users tap "STOP" then the demo will calculate his distance between "START" and "STOP". If the user pressed "START" and pressed "STOP" without taking a single step, then it must show 0km or 0m. I don't have any idea how I should start this; please make a suggestion.
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One way to go about it is using the accelerometer data. Your app should continuously record the accelerometer data after the user presses the Start button. You will observe a peak in your data whenever the user takes a step. Apply a filter on this data, and you shall be able to detect the number of steps taken with reasonable accuracy. Multiply it by the step length and you should get an approximation of the distance travelled. Take height of the user as an input argument. Step length is around 0.45*Height of a person. Since this approach is independent of GPS, It will also work indoors. EDIT: You'll need to use the accelerometer values for all three axes to make it fairly independent of the device orientation.You can go with x^2 + y^2 + z^2