I have simple "RAM" implemented as:
type memory_array is array(31 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ram : memory_array;
I would like to init it's content from HEX file. I wonder about reading the file like:
ram_init: process
file file_ptr : text;
variable line_text : string(1 to 14);
variable line_num : line;
variable lines_read : integer := 0;
variable char : character;
variable tmp_hexnum : string(1 to 2);
while (not endfile(file_ptr)) loop
readline (file_ptr,line_num);
READ (line_num,line_text);
if (lines_read < 32) then
tmp_hexnum := line_text(10 to 11);
-- ram(lines_read) <= tmp_hexnum;
lines_read := lines_read + 1;
wait for 10 ns;
end if;
end loop;
end process;
The problem is (if this code above would works, which I don't even know), how to convert the tmp_hexnum string to std_logic_vector.
Please have patience with me, VHDL beginner.
Converting a string of variable length to std_logic_vector with length as 4 * length of string, can be done with the function below:
The first mistake is to use a process : if you attempt to synthesise the design, the process won't do anything until the design is built and running; which is far too late to read a file!
Instead, wrap the init code in a function, and use that to initialise the memory
This will work in simulation, and many synthesis tools will infer a RAM and initialise it correctly. If you declared a constant instead of a signal, this would create a ROM instead of a RAM.
Anyway the function looks a bit like
leaving you with the original problem :
writing the to_slv function. There ought to be a standard library of these, but for some reason there isn't a universally accepted one. So, here's a start...
Your (both) answers helped me a lot. But it seems not working.
If I set tmp_hexnum to e.g. "0A", it's OK, but reading from file do not fill the RAM.
Can you please check the file part for me, too?