I am using the following method to output objects with their properties. It works great with most objects, but throws when I pass a HttpRequest object.
public static string ConvertToXML(object obj)
if (!obj.GetType().IsPrimitive && obj.GetType() != typeof(String) && obj.GetType() != typeof(Decimal))
List<string> properties = new List<string>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj))
string name = descriptor.Name;
object value = descriptor.GetValue(obj);
properties.Add(xmlify(name, value));
if (properties.Count == 0)
return obj.ToString();
return xmlify(obj, string.Concat(properties));
return obj.ToString();
It throws an error in this line:
The error (sorry, only have the german version :/):
Der Eigenschaftenaccessor HttpChannelBinding für das System.Web.HttpRequest-Objekt hat folgende Ausnahme verursacht: Die Operation wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.
It says that the Property accessor for the HTTPChannelBinding property does not support the operation on this platform.
Why is that?
I think MSDN gives you more info:
It should work on Windows Vista (SP1)/ Windows 7 or Windwods 2008 Server (except core). This may be your Problem.
RTFM ;-) MSDN states that:
You should not assume that reading a value of generally any property can't throw an exception.