I'm trying to setup the HTTP client so that it uses a proxy, however I cannot quite understand how to do it. The documentation has multiple reference to "proxy" but none of the functions seem to allow to define the proxy. What I need is something like this:
client := &http.Client{}
client.SetProxy("someip:someport") // pseudo code
resp, err := client.Get("http://example.com") // do request through proxy
Any idea how to do this in Go?
Go will use the the proxy defined in the environment variable
if it's set. Otherwise it will use no proxy.You could do it like this:
May you could also try this:
For an alternative way, you can also use GoRequest which has a feature that you can set proxy easily for any single request.
Or you can set for the whole at once.
lukad is correct, you could set the
environment variable, if you do this Go will use it by default.Bash:
You could also construct your own http.Client that MUST use a proxy regardless of the environment's configuration:
This is useful if you can not depend on the environment's configuration, or do not want to modify it.
You could also modify the default transport used by the "
" package. This would affect your entire program (including the default HTTP client).