I'm trying a "simple" logstash configuration and want to ouput on a file to check. So I took the conf from https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-outputs-file.html and put it in my conf:
input {
file {
exclude => ['*.gz']
path => ['/var/log/*.log']
type => 'system logs'
syslog {
port => 5000
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ['elasticsearch']
file {
path => "/config/logstash_out.log"
codec => {
line {
format => "message: %{message}"
stdout {}
but when I launch it (sudo docker run -it --rm --name logstash -p 514:5000 --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch -v "$PWD":/config logstash logstash -f /config/logstash.conf
), I've got a complaint from logstash:
fetched an invalid config
{:config=>"input {
file {
exclude => ['*.gz']
path => ['/var/log/*.log']
type => 'system logs'
syslog {
port => 5000
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ['elasticsearch']
file {
path => \"/config/logstash_out.log\"
codec => {
line {
format => \"message: %{message}\"
stdout {}
, :reason=>"Expected one of #, => at line 20, column 13 (byte 507)
after output { elasticsearch {\n hosts => ['elasticsearch']\n }
\n\n file {\n path => \"/config/logstash_out.log\"\n
codec => { \n line ", :level=>:error}
(I've reformatted a bit so it's more readable)
Any ideas why? I'seen logstash output to file and ignores codec but the proposed solution is marked as DEPRECATED so I would like to avoid
You have the wrong format just like the tutorial. Here is the pull request.
It isn't
but it is
You don't need to add quirly brackets around line.
Here is your config correctly.