Detect MIME type of uploaded file in Ruby

2019-01-13 03:06发布

Is there a bullet proof way to detect MIME type of uploaded file in Ruby or Ruby on Rails? I'm uploading JPEGs and PNGs using SWFupload and content_type is always "application/octet-stream"

Emotional °昔
2楼-- · 2019-01-13 04:02

The ruby-filemagic gem is good solution, but requires additional dependencies on libmagic (recently removed from CarrierWave as part of CarrierWave::MagicMimeTypes removal).

If you're interested in a pure ruby implementation, consider the MimeMagic gem! It works well for file types listed in the mime database:

require 'mimemagic'

MimeMagic.by_magic('Table-Flip-Guy.jpg')).type # => "image/jpeg" 

For Microsoft Office 2007+ formats (xlsx, docx, and pptx), require the overlay (unless you're okay with the generic "application/zip" MIME type for these files)

require 'mimemagic'    
require 'mimemagic/overlay'

MimeMagic.by_magic('big_spreadsheet.xlsx')).type # => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" 
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