I remember stumbling upon a benchmark comparing jQuery vs GQuery (run time selectors) vs GQuery (compile time selectors).
Once the site was loaded one could click "Start" and the benchmark (mostly CSS selectors) would run for all three versions and present the results (overall time spent) after finishing.
Unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore.
I do not refer to the "horse race" benchmark in Ray Cromwell's excellent video.
Does anyone know this benchmark and provide me with the link?
Here is the link: http://gwtquery.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/demos/gwtquery.samples.GwtQueryBench/GwtQueryBench.html?ask=false
You have also a comparative of different browsers running the benchmark here: http://manolocarrasco.blogspot.com/2011/01/gwtquery-css-selectors-performance.html
This one is newer http://www.cinsoft.net/slickspeed.html or just query slickspeed
I do not think this is the one you were after: http://letusdemo.appspot.com/
The versions there are way out of date.