I'm building a Rails app that includes live group chat. I've heard Juggernaut is the best option for this. Does it work on Heroku?
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They did have experimental node.js support but it seems to be in closed beta for the timebeing. Expect a release soon.
I have minimal sysadmin skills but managed to set up an Ubuntu 10.04 environment with relative ease. http://purebreeze.com/2011/03/adding-realtime-push-updates-to-agileista-using-juggernaut/
The 'easiest' option is probably to use Pusher but probably not as fun or cost effective.
Heroku now fully support node.js
Here's a gist from the juggernaut author showing how he set up juggernaut on Heroku:
I will also update my blog post shortly to reflect getting up and running.
It's much easier now!