Best way to highlight current page in Rails 3? — a

2019-01-13 02:58发布

For the following code:

<%= link_to "Some Page", some_path %>

How do I apply a css class current using the current_page?‎ helper method?

Or if some other better way is available?

2楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:42

I tried to combine a couple of the mentioned techniques with my own needs.

def current_page(path)
  'current' if current_page?(path)

def create_nav_link(string, path, method)
  link_to string, path, data: { hover: string }, method: method

def create_nav_item(string, path, method = nil)
  content_tag :li, create_nav_link(string, path, method), class: current_page(path)

Basically it allows you to use it like this: create_nav_item("profile", profile_path) which will result in: <li><a href="/profile" data-hover="Profile">Profile</a></li>,

or <li class="current"><a href="/profile" data-hover="Profile">Profile</a></li> if this is the current page.

I didn't use request.url.include?(path) since it will also always highlight the "Home" button, and I couldn't think of a work around by far.

3楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:44

In app/helpers/application_helper.rb

def cp(path)
  "current" if current_page?(path)

In your views:

<%= link_to "All Posts", posts_path, class: cp(posts_path) %>

Basically write a simple wrapper around it. Additionally you could extend the method to allow additional classes to be applied by adding arguments. Keeps the views concise/dry. Or, without extending the method, you could just do simple String interpolation like so to add additional classes:

<%= link_to "All Posts", posts_path, class: "#{cp(posts_path)} additional_class" %>
4楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:46

I think if would be good idea if you generate whole link_to from your helper method. Why to repeat the same code ( :-) DRY principle)

def create_link(text, path)
  class_name = current_page?(path) ? 'current' : 'any_other_class'

  link_to text, path, class: class_name

Now you can use like:

<%= create_link 'xyz', any_path %> (in views) which would render as <a href="/any" class="current">xyz</a>

Hope it helps!

5楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:48

I'd do it this way :

<%= link_to "Some Page", some_path, :class => current_page? ? "current" : "" %>
Fickle 薄情
6楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:52

In my case I have a lot of name spaced controllers, that is why I like to show if the current view also is in the Menu Path, I had use the solution of Michael van Rooijen and then I customize for my case.


def cp(path)
  "current" if request.url.include?(path)


<%= link_to "All Posts", posts_path, class: cp(posts_path) %>

Now if my menu bar is /users and my current page is /users/10/post also the link /users is set with "current" class

ゆ 、 Hurt°
7楼-- · 2019-01-13 03:52

I branched off of Michael's answer and tweaked the helper:

def active_class?(*paths)
  active = false
  paths.each { |path| active ||= current_page?(path) }
  active ? 'active' : nil

Here's how you'd use it:

<%= link_to "Bookings", bookings_path, class: active_class?(bookings_path) %>

You can pass multiple paths to it in case you have a tab which could be rendered by multiple views:

<%= content_tag :li, class: active_class?(bookings_path, action: 'new') %>

And the great thing about this is if the conditions are false, it will insert nil. Why is this good? Well, if you provide class with nil it won't include the class attribute on the tag at all. Bonus!

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