I am new to RMI topic in java and i wana to create client server applicaiton using RMI,
i followed this tutorial found in this link : RMI Tutorial using eclipse
but i am using netbeans ,and here is server code:
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class AdditionServer {
public static void main (String[] argv) {
try {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
String policy="file:/home/user/NetBeansProjects/RMIServerSide/security.policy";
Addition Hello = new Addition();
Registry reg=LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1099);
reg.rebind("rmi://localhost/ABC", Hello);
System.out.println("Addition Server is ready.");
}catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Addition Server failed: " + e);
and here security.policy :
grant codeBase "/home/user/NetBeansProjects/RMIServerSide/build/classes/" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
then i run the rmiregistry & in the terminal. then i run the server and here what is the output exactly :
Addition Server failed: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "java.security.policy" "write")
Is there something i miss it, like a config for vm or something ???.....
I had the same problem. I have fixed it following these steps:
with the following content
2- Add the following line of code just before binding the remote object to the
You need to set the policy file before you install the