I get a syntax error, when I execute the following code within the rails console: "syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end"
range = 2
my_array = Array.new(range)
a = [1]
i = 0
while i < range do
a.each do |b|
puts "test"
i += 1
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? The strange thing is, that the code is working on my server within a ruby file.
Thanks a lot!
If you're executing it in IRB, it's likely that, as Beerlington said, it's linebreak issues.
It'd explain why it was working in your .rb files but not in IRB...
Solutions? In IRB you can use the semicolon to end a line without executing it... or if you have a long line (which that block of code does not), you can use the classic \ as you would if you were using rails on the command line...
Or... Try pry. It's an IRB replacement that would be an accommodation for your chunk.
I have faced similar issue posted here. if we drop (optional)
in the line with a while loop, then this works even in IRB.