how can i write prepared statement instead of this: please help me
String qry= "INSERT INTO
Registration1(RegistrationNo,Date,SeniorPerson,NativePlace,Kul,Gotra,KulSwami,ResidensialAddress,PinCode,STDcode,TelephoneNo,MobileNo,Email,Website,Education,Branch,BirthDate,BloodGroup) VALUES('"+regno+"','"+dt+"','"+nm+"','"+place+"','"+kul+"','"+gotra+"','"+kswami+"','"+raddr+"','"+pincode+"','"+stdcd+"','"+tele+"','"+mno+"','"+email+"','"+website+"','"+education+"','"+branch+"','"+bdt+"','"+bloodgrp+"')";
You Should use this template:
in the prepared statemnt you need to use exactly the same amount oof question mark as the columns you manchined in the statment.
for each question mark you shoukd setValue, you need to choose the right set for eac value typr, there is setString setInt etc...
In your specific case it should look like that:
Yours is an example of how to NOT use
.Here's a better idea:
You should go through this carefully.