I have the following url : http://localhost/api/books/?bookId=21&bookId=62?authorId=2
I want to retrieve all the bookId values with Scala and then use Squeryl to do a fetch in a the database.
I'm using the PlayFrameWork as the WebServer, so here's my code :
val params = request.queryString.map { case (k, v) => k -> v(0) } // Retrieve only one the first occurence of a param
So params.get("bookId") will only get the last value in the bookId params. e-g : 62.
To retrieve all my bookId params i tried this :
val params = request.queryString.map { case (k, v) => k -> v }
so i can get a Seq[String], but what about the authorId which is not a Seq[String]? .
At the end i want to fetch the bookIds and authorId in my DB using Squeryl :
(a.author_id === params.get("authorId").?) and
(params.get("bookId").map(bookIds: Seq[String] => b.bookId in bookIds))
In my controller i get the params and open the DB connection :
val params = request.queryString.map { case (k, v) => k -> v(0) }
DB.withTransaction() { where(Library.whereHelper(params)}
In my model i use the queries :
def whereHelper(params : Map[String,String]) = {
(a.author_id === params.get("authorId").?) and
(params.get("bookId").map{bookIds: Seq[String] => b.bookId in bookIds})
Since bookIds is a list, i need to use the Seq[String]. There's a way to use request.queryString.map { case (k, v) => k -> v } for both a string (authorId) and a list of strings (bookIds) ?
If I really understand what you are trying to do, you want to know how to get the parameters from
. This is pretty simple and you can do the following at your controller:At your model you will have:
I've left explicit types to help you understand what is happen. Now, since you have both values, you can just use the values at your query.
Edit after chat:
But, since you want to receive a
params: Map[String, Seq[String]]
at your models and is just having problems about how to get theauthorId
, here is what you can do:Of course, more parameters you have, more complicated this method will be.