Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or

2019-01-01 03:43发布

I know that multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java and C#. Many books just say, multiple inheritance is not allowed. But it can be implemented by using interfaces. Nothing is discussed about why it is not allowed. Can anybody tell me precisely why it is not allowed?

2楼-- · 2019-01-01 04:19

Actually multiple inheritance will arise a the complexity if the inherited classes have same function. ie the compiler will have a confusion which one has to chose (diamond problem). So in Java that complexity removed and gave interface to get the functionality like multiple inheritance gave. We can use interface

3楼-- · 2019-01-01 04:20

Java has concept, i.e. polymorphism. There are 2 types of polymorphism in java. There are method overloading and method overriding. Among them, method overriding happens with super- and subclass relationship. If we are creating an object of a subclass and invoking the method of superclass, and if subclass extends more than one class, which super class method should be called?

Or , while calling superclass constructor by super(), which super class constructor will get called?

This decisions are impossible by current java API features. so multiple inheritance is not allowed in java.

4楼-- · 2019-01-01 04:21

The short answer is: because the language designers decided not to.

Basically, it seemed that both the .NET and Java designers did not allow multiple inheritance because they reasoned that adding MI added too much complexity to the languages while providing too little benefit.

For a more fun and in-depth read, there are some articles available on the web with interviews of some of the language designers. For example, for .NET, Chris Brumme (who worked at MS on the CLR) has explained the reasons why they decided not to:

  1. Different languages actually have different expectations for how MI works. For example, how conflicts are resolved and whether duplicate bases are merged or redundant. Before we can implement MI in the CLR, we have to do a survey of all the languages, figure out the common concepts, and decide how to express them in a language-neutral manner. We would also have to decide whether MI belongs in the CLS and what this would mean for languages that don't want this concept (presumably VB.NET, for example). Of course, that's the business we are in as a common language runtime, but we haven't got around to doing it for MI yet.

  2. The number of places where MI is truly appropriate is actually quite small. In many cases, multiple interface inheritance can get the job done instead. In other cases, you may be able to use encapsulation and delegation. If we were to add a slightly different construct, like mixins, would that actually be more powerful?

  3. Multiple implementation inheritance injects a lot of complexity into the implementation. This complexity impacts casting, layout, dispatch, field access, serialization, identity comparisons, verifiability, reflection, generics, and probably lots of other places.

You can read the full article here.

For Java, you can read this article:

The reasons for omitting multiple inheritance from the Java language mostly stem from the "simple, object oriented, and familiar" goal. As a simple language, Java's creators wanted a language that most developers could grasp without extensive training. To that end, they worked to make the language as similar to C++ as possible (familiar) without carrying over C++'s unnecessary complexity (simple).

In the designers' opinion, multiple inheritance causes more problems and confusion than it solves. So they cut multiple inheritance from the language (just as they cut operator overloading). The designers' extensive C++ experience taught them that multiple inheritance just wasn't worth the headache.

5楼-- · 2019-01-01 04:25

Reason: Java is very popular and easy to code, because of its simplicity.

So what ever java developers feel difficult and complicated to understand for programmers, they tried to avoid it. One such kind of property is multiple inheritance.

  1. They avoided pointers
  2. They avoided multiple inheritance.

Problem with multiple inheritance: Diamond problem.


  1. Assume that class A is having a method fun(). class B and class C derives from class A.
  2. And both the classes B and C, overrides method fun().
  3. Now assume that class D inherits both class B, and C. (just Assumption)
  4. Create object for class D.
  5. D d = new D();
  6. and try to access d.fun(); => will it call class B's fun() or class C's fun()?

This is the ambiguity existing in diamond problem.

It is not impossible to solve this problem, but it creates more confusion and complexities to the programmer while reading it. It causes more problem than it tries to solve.

Note: But any way you can always implement multiple inheritance indirectly by using interfaces.

6楼-- · 2019-01-01 04:26

Imagine this Example: I have a class Shape1

It has CalcualteArea method:

Class Shape1

 public void CalculateArea()


There is another class Shape2 that one also has same method

Class Shape2

 public void CalculateArea()



Now I have a child class Circle, it derives from both Shape1 and Shape2;

public class Circle: Shape1, Shape2

Now when I create object for Circle, and call the method, system does not know which calculate area method to be called. Both has same signatures. So compiler will get confuse. That's why multiple inheritances are not allowed.

But there can be multiple interfaces because interfaces do not have method definition. Even both the interfaces have same method, both of them do not have any implementation and always method in the child class will be executed.

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