I am working on an application in which I am using backbone-forms.js for generating dynamic forms. So at present we are able to generate simple forms having a label and input element like this
But actually I have to change the arrangement of the fields.In each row I will be having one label,two input fields.
So I wanna ask is it possible to generate forms like this dynamically with backbone forms. Ifwe will use a full customized template then there is no meaning of using this framework. So is it possible to give html for only one row and generating other rows based on the same template.
If it is possible to generate form like this how we will be setting their values like fieldname id class e.t.c. to the third field.
Please suggesst.
Yes it is possible since the
by powmedia does provide the template options.You just have to construct the template, and pass to it as option.
try it here http://jsfiddle.net/xxhLxr7z/1/ :)