I'm wondering if this approach is correct or does it need further refinements, maybe promisify custom mySQL getConnection
method as well???
request: function(queryRequest) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
Database.getConnection(function(error, connection){
if(error) {
reject({error: error, queryRequest: queryRequest});
} else {
connection.query(queryRequest.sql, queryRequest.values, function(error, rows, fields){
if(error) {
reject({error: error, queryRequest: queryRequest});
} else {
resolve({rows: rows, fields: fields, queryRequest: queryRequest});
The getConnection
method defined in Database
getConnection: function(callback) {
this.pool.getConnection(function(error, connection){
callback(error, connection);
Only maybe. While it could be considered a bit cleaner, and makes your callback pyramid a bit flatter, it doesn't improve the code much:
For database connections, you might want to have a look at the disposer pattern. If you don't need it, you still should remember to always release your connections, using something like
Also, rejecting promises with objects that are no
s is a bad practise, you might better door the equivalent in your original pattern.