I have integrated the latest evernote ios sdk from github, That support both regular user and also business user. I can able to list the note book and notes without any issues but when i try to download the note attachment its giving me the following error.
Error Domain=ENErrorDomain Code=1 "Missing result: getResourceData failed: unknown result" UserInfo=0x10dcb15f0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Missing result: getResourceData failed: unknown result} Skipping field: due to type mismatch (received:11)
Here the code i have used to download the note attachment.
+ (void)downloadDataWithNoteBook:(ENNotebook *)notebook fromNoteResource:(EDAMResource *)resource
onCompletion:(ZIdResultBlock)block {
ENPreferencesStore *preference = [ENSession sharedSession].preferences;
ENNoteStoreClient *noteStoreClient = [preference objectForKey:[SEEvernoteHelper getTitleForNoteAttachments:resource]];
NSString *str = resource.guid;
NSLog(@"GUID = [%@]", resource.guid);
[noteStoreClient getResourceDataWithGuid:resource.guid success:^(NSData *data) {
if(block) {
block(data, nil);
failure:^(NSError *error) {
if (block) {
block(nil, error);
Finally i was able to do it!!!
Here is my code: