I have a 'QTimer' object and want to update 'QGLWidget' repeatedly in a given time interval.
My problem is that ,content doesn't get updated ,when I call updateGL() method of 'QGLWidget'.
Here's how I init the QTimer,
rotationTimer=new QTimer();
QObject::connect(rotationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotAutoRotate()),Qt::QueuedConnection);
in the slotAutoRotate(),
void RzState3DCurveSelect::slotAutoRotate()
RzStateMachine3DCurves *sm3d =(RzStateMachine3DCurves*) this->getStateMachine();
sm3d->getQGLWidget()->updateGL(); // <---- call updateGL() of the widget.
I even can see the debug information that I write in side 'paintGL()' method, but the content doesn't get updated, unless I move mouse over the widget or any other interaction.
You must use update() instead of updateGL()