I have a Spinner which is to show a list of data fetched from database. The data is returned to a cursor from query, and the cursor gets passed to spinner's SimpleCursorAdapter. It is working fine as such, but I want to insert another item on top of this data. For example, the spinner is already showing a list of user created templates saved in DB, but I want to insert "New Template" and "Empty Template" on top of the list of templates, and it needs to be inserted into Cursor/SimpleCursorAdapter somehow.
I have considered using an arraylist and populating the arraylist from cursor, but cursor is better solution for me since it contains other related rows of data too. I searched internet for other solutions and found some answers asking to use CursorWrapper for this purpose, but I could not find a concrete example how to use CursorWrapper to accomplish what I want. How can I insert some rows in cursor or can someone please give a easy to follow CursorWrapper example!! Thanks in advance.
This is the method I tried.
With this method, you can add any amount of rows anywhere in your cursor. Even though it is not making use of CursorWrapper, it can be used with CursorAdapters or SimpleCursorAdapters.
You can use a combination of
with your DBcursor
like this:I found some information about adding element to spinner which has SimpleCursorAdapter: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/4123868e02fc9172
I tried the solution provided by @naktinis, but the result wasn't what I expected. What I myself wanted to achieve as an adapter in which new elements can be added at the top (index 0). However, with the solution given, new elements were indeed added at the top but only to the END of the MatrixCursor. In other words, when I added rows dynamically to the "extras" MatrixCursor, I got something like this:
However, what I really wanted to achieve was something like this:
In other words, most recent elements enter at the top (index 0).
I was able to achieve this manually by doing the follow. Note that I did not include any logic to handle dynamically removing elements from the adapter.