I get the following error while upgrading a firebase project from old domain to new google firebase domain.
Failed to resolve: com.google.firebase:firebase-core:9.0.0
I followed the steps mentioned on the Firebase documentation, in the section Add Firebase to your Android Project, topic Available libraries.
What are my options to resolve this error?
Tried all the above, use the Firebase Assistant! It is the simplest way to solve this. First remove all the dependencies you added to the build.gradle (using the manual method) and then in Android Studio:
It really is as easy as that.
Error:(30, 13) Failed to resolve: com.google.firebase:firebase-auth:9.6.1
If you ever get this error and you are using Android studio 2.2 that comes with firebase component integrated in it which has libraries version 9.6.0 by default and you are adding the latest dependencies like 9.6.1 . You might need to downgrade
Or check the library version of your pre-installed firebase and make sure it is of the same version with the new library you are trying to add or added to your project.
Following are the prerequisites if you want to add firebase to your project.
I could only find out all this after hours of struggle.
Source: Adding Firebase to your Android App
If using command line tools, do
Need to Update
Android SDK : SDK Tools -> Support Repository -> Google Repository
After updating the Android SDK need to sync gradle build in Android studio.