In my app I'm looking to customise a bar button that currently shows the user's location so that if the user taps and holds down it shows a subview with some other info. However it seems I can only send one action. Is this definitely the case or is there a way I can have more than one action? I know there's a subclass to enable the user orientation position (like in the Maps app) - could I somehow implement similar functionality?
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As the other comments say: It is not possible to add a "Long Press" gesture recognizer to the native bar button. There are two ways you could go about this:
1) Find the UIView that represents the button in the view hierarchy and add a gesture recognizer to it. More info here. This is is pretty straight forward and done with a few lines of code but might break in case internal structuring of the views change in the future.
2) Set a customView for the navigation bar button by dragging a UIButton onto it (Interfacebuilder) or setting the customView property programmatically. You then need to give that UIButton the appearance of a navBarButton and add a gesture recognizer to it.
Create your own
and add all the gesture recognizers or actions you want. Then create theUIBarButtonItem
.UIBarButtonItems only send one event. You'll need to create your own custom control, add Gesture Recognizers to it to recognize tap and long press, and create a bar button item with your custom control.