I am using xslt 1.0 stylesheet to worlk on xml file data.
I have a variable in xslt which conatins many string separated by white space or new line charater.
i.e. the variable is "ServiceList", when I print it using follwong,
<xsl:value-of select="$ServiceList"/>
It prints following out put
hgd.sdf.gsdf sdf.sdh.duyg dsf.sdf.suos
hdf.sdi.seij dsf.dsf.diuh
edr.sdi.sdhg dfh.dfg.dfg.fdg.idjf kjs.dfh.dfgj djg.dfs.dgji
I used follwing code to get each string separately.
<xsl:variable name="tokenizedSample" select="str:tokenize($ServiceList,'
<xsl:for-each select="$tokenizedSample">
<xsl:variable name="serviceProvide" select="."/>
<xsl:variable name="tokenized1" select="str:tokenize($serviceProvide,' ')"/>
<xsl:for-each select="$tokenized1">
<xsl:variable name="serviceP" select="."/>
<xsl:value-of select="$serviceP"/>
the above code give me each string as separate one.
I have to chek is there any repeating string in above sequence/array. If it repeates it should show me the string is repeating.
This would be so much easier in XSLT 2.0