I have checked all stackoverflow posts related to ui-grid sorted rows without any success so I am opening one more question.
SHORT : Need a way to get sorted rows following current sorting criteria.
My problem is that I have an instance of UI Grid with pagination and I can not get the sorted data after it was added using a $mdDialog
modal. It is shown at the right position in the tabel, but behind, in all objects it is stored the new element is on the last position.
I call the ui-grid instance using a service to keep all stuff in one place:
// Default service for init a ui-grid instance
app.serivce('testService', function(){
var defaultGridOptions = {
enableColumnMenus: false,
enablePaginationControls: true,
paginationPageSizes: [5],
multipleSorting: false,
treeRowHeaderAlwaysVisible: false,
paginationPageSize: 5,
enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER,
enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER
// Each columns sort rule
// Position 0 from columnsOrder sorts position 0 from columnDefs and so on
var defaultColSort = [{
sort: { direction: uiGridConstants.ASC, priority: 0 }
this.createGridOptions = function (gridData, columnDefs, gridOpts) {
gridOpts = typeof gridOpts !== 'undefined' ? gridOpts : {};
var gridOptions = angular.extend({}, defaultGridOptions, gridOpts);
for(var i = 0; i < defaultColSort.length; i++)
columnDefs[i] = angular.extend({}, defaultColSort[i], columnDefs[i]);
gridOptions.data = gridData;
gridOptions.columnDefs = columnDefs;
return gridOptions;
// The metod that should move to the desired page
this.jumpToGridItem = function(api, entry) {
var idx = -1;
var page = 0;
var sortedData = null;
//idx = sortedData.indexOf(entry); -> checks the position of the new added item
if (idx == -1)
return false;
// Calculate the page where the element exists
page = Math.ceil(idx/api.grid.options.paginationPageSize);
// Jump to page
Here is my controller :
app.controller('testController', ['$scope', '$mdDialog', 'testService', function($scope, $mdDialog, testService){
var columnDefs = [
field: 'identifier',
name: 'Identifier'
var dummyData = [{ identifier: "Item" }, { identifier: 'Item 1' }, { identifier: "Item 2" }, { identifier: "Item 3" }];
var gridOptions = $scope.gridOptions = testService.createGridOptions(dummyData, columnDefs);
gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.add = function () {
controller: function($mdDialog) {
var data = $scope.identifierVal;
templateUrl: 'add.html',
parent: angular.element(document.body)
}).then(function (entry) {
// Data received when the modal is hidden
testService.jumpToGridItem($scope.gridApi, entry);
Right now I am appending the data with push()
, this could be one reason, I think.
The method I have to update is jumpToGridItem
, which actually should focus the page where the item was added.
Thank you
PS : Sorry for not posting a plnkr, I will do bit later if it is needed.
I finally found a way to achieve what I initially wanted. I ve found it a day after posting the question but I was busy enough to post the answer. The code below can be also found in a plnkr. It looks for a certain entry and goes to the page where it can be found.
I wanted this to focus a dynamically added entry in a ui-grid table from a dialog (modal form):
Controller :