I am trying to connect SQLite DB file to my unity project where db file is present in downloads folder but I am unable to get data from tables. How can I connect download folder contain DB file to unity project SQLite. My requirement is able to run a project with downloaded db file which is present in the downloads folder. Please suggest any idea. Thanks in advance. Here is the code I am using for connecting db file to SQLite.
Sample code :
Debug.Log("Call to OpenDB:" + databaseName);
var tempdbPath = Path.GetFullPath("log -29-10-2018 - .db");
var tempdbbytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempdbPath);
var _filePath = tempdbPath;
ApplicationContext.CurrentDatabasePath = _filePath;
//open db connection
_connectionString = "URI=file:" + _filePath;
(where _filePaht = /Users/deepak/Projects/testproject/test/log -29-10-2018 - .db)
ApplicationContext.TempConnectionString = _filePath;
ApplicationContext.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
Debug.Log("Stablishing connection to: " + _connectionString);
dbcon = new SqliteConnection(_connectionString);
catch (Exception exception)
When I connect persistence folder contain db file it's working well, I am getting a problem when I am trying to connect db file present in the downloads folder.