I have two classes defined as:
class Control
std::vector<int> Info;
virtual ~Control();
LRESULT __stdcall SubClass(HWND Window, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData);
class Button: public Control
SetWindowSubclass(..., SubClass, ...); //Need to pass member function as callback..
LRESULT __stdcall Control::SubClass(HWND Window, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
//Use "Info" data member in here.. thus I cannot have static callback in order to use it.
And so I came up with:
class Control
std::vector<int> Info;
static LRESULT __stdcall SetCallback(void* ThisPtr) {return static_cast<Control*>(ThisPtr)->SubClass;};
//all the same stuff..
SetWindowSubclass(..., SetCallback, ...);
But the above throws a whole bunch of errors. Is there anyway to either have my static callback access other datamembers OR have my callback non-static? I do not want to have to do something like the following for every instance created (which I've seen as suggestions all over the internet):
Control F;
F.SetCallback(&F::SubClass, &F); //Externally sets member as callback which I don't want.
I'm trying to keep everything in the constructor or the class itself.
The following shows how to pass calls to the freestanding message handler function, on to a member function of your C++ object.
It's a lot of code, but normally you would abstract this away in some reusable module, and the most basic stuff is just the little class
.I haven't shown very much error handling, and neither does this code support programmatic destruction of the C++ object via external
(I think the sane way to do this is to justDestroyWindow
the API level window and let that propagate up to self-destruction of the C++ object, but it's many years since last time I did this).To compile this with Visual C++ 11.0, define the preprocessor symbol
as nothing.This is probably the most common question when it comes to Win32 API UI programming. See:
Basically the trick is to call SetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_USERDATA as the first parameter and this as the second. Then in the WindowProc callback use GetWindowLongPtr to get it from the HWND.