I have created a app in iTunesConnect and it has been in the "prepare for submission" state for more than 3 days. When I try to archive my app, and submit it to the app store it, displays this message:
No suitable records were found. verify your bundle identifier is correct
Once check this.
Open your .plist file and check for "Bundle OS Type code" key. If that is not there, add a row and give that key and check the type it should be a string. And give "APPL" as value.
Clean the project and go for Archive.
I hope it will work for you.
In my case the app was already set up, but the app version was already in use (waiting for review), I just needed to increase the version number.
if your bundle id carried a capital letter and you've changed it to a lower case letter, you must run the application in the simulator before attempting to archive and upload to app store connect (this was the issue and solution for me).
For me, what fixed it was to enter the required details in App Store Connect -> TestFlight -> Test Information.
Once I'd done that it seemed that Xcode realised there was a new app to allow uploading to and succeeded.
(Also check your caps in your Bundle ID though.
Using Application Loader worked in my case.
Firstly, check that you're using the same accounts in both Application Loaded (or XCode) and iTunes connect. Secondly, check that Bundle Id in error message and in iTunes connect are match, including tHe cAsE!