I would not say I wasted my time, but spent around few hours changing this. But invain. Could some one please help me out. In the following code:
- I need to use break in between Disable Location(Title) and the gridview
- I want the border color of grid to none. I do not want any color.
- I want both the buttons Disable or deactivate and Cancel to be displayed just below the gridview. and in the middle of the page.
Please help me out!! Thanks alot.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="display: block; background: url(images/reusable_blue_bg.jpg) repeat-x 0 -15px;
border-left: #88b9c7 1px solid; border-bottom: #88b9c7 1px solid; border-top: #88b9c7 1px solid;
border-right: #88b9c7 1px solid; padding: 0px 2px; height: 236px; min-height: 236px;
height: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<table align="center" style="width: 554px; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none;
border-left-style: none; border-bottom-style: none" id="TABLE1">
<td align="center" colspan="5" style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; margin: 0px;
font-family: Arial; color: #1e7c9b;">
Disable Location</td>
I need number 1 over here..
<asp:GridView ID="disableloc" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="LocationName"
DataSourceID="" AllowPaging="True" EnableViewState="true" BorderStyle="None">
i want 2 over here, i guess
I want 3 in here..
<tr align ="center" style="position:fixed">
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnDisable" runat="server" ImageAlign="Middle" ImageUrl="~/images/green-deactivate.gif" OnClick="btnDisable_Click"
ValidationGroup="group1" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnCancel" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/cancel.gif" OnClick="btnCancel_Click" />
Thankss so much!!