Ran into this error message whilst developing tonight: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked:
I have two models:
- Podcasts have many Tracks
- Tracks belong to Podcasts.
- Podcast files are hosted on mixcloud.
To create a Podcast:
- user submits a url for a podcast on mixcloud
- rails app grabs json feed associated with url
- json is used to set attributes (title, image etc) on the new Podcast object
I'm trying to get my rails app to take advantage of the fact that the json feed also details the names (and artists) of the Tracks that belong to this Podcast.
I thought the following before_validation method would automatically create all associated Tracks whenever we create a new Podcast.
class Podcast < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :mixcloud_url, :lots, :of, :other, :attrs
has_many :tracks
before_validation :create_tracks
def create_tracks
json = Hashie::Mash.new HTTParty.get(self.json_url)
json.sections.each do |section|
if section.section_type=="track"
Track.create(:name=>section.track.name, :podcast_id=>self.id)
How can I get round this? It looks like rails (or sqlite3) doesn't like me creating new instances of an associated model in this way. How else can I do this? I suspect this is as much a rails problem as an sqlite3 one. I can post more code if it's gonna help.
actually for me, I found killing rails help to fix this problem.
"ps aux | grep rails"
to find out ongoing rails process id. then useto kill processes.
Then it will work
try restarting the server or closing any running rails console, worked for me
Make sure you don't have 2 guards or several consoles running. If you want make sure desperately see the "No Name's" answer above.
You can also try increasing pool:
for example: change test section in your config/database.yml as below