I have a bit of an issue by trying to get a string between 2 delimiters using linux commands.
I am trying to retrieve TEST|LOL
from "AA CC [[TEST|LOL]] EE FF"
using sed.
I've used this command,but it gives me an error,
invalid reference \1 on 1 s commands RHS
Command that i am using at the moment:
echo "AA CC [[TEST|LOL]] EE FF" | sed 's/.*[[\(.*\)]].*/\1/g'
So is there any possibility of fixing that command?Or maybe creating a bash script without the use of an IFS?
If your version of grep supports it, you can use the Perl regular expression mode:
switch means that only the part of the input that matches the pattern is printed. The\K
removes the first part of the pattern from the output.You must escape the
as well