I am integrating openid in my website. I am able to retrieve data(ex email) from op provider(by query string). But different op provider gives data in different key like gmail gives it under openid.ext1.value.alia2 key and yahoo gives it in under some different key. how should i retrieve value from query string.
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You must check namespaces. For example, the server may return
openid.ns.ax = http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0
, and that would mean "everything that starts withopenid.ax
relates to the AX extension".But it could be
openid.ns.qwerty = http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0
as well, and then everything that starts withopenid.qwerty
would be related to the extension.Your code must read those namespaces and use aliases as defined by those. Read specifications for more information.