Using FindNextPrinterChangeNotification fails on I

2019-09-02 07:09发布

Using the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function from a native C application, it works as expected when using a local printer.

I.e. when being printed, the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function correctly returns the handle of a printer job that is being printed to a local printer.

However, when printing to an IPP printer (i.e. a printer that connects through the Internet Printing Protocol), the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function call fails and GetLastError() returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.

Others seem to have the same issue with no solution so far.

So my question is:

Are you aware on how/whether to successfully use printer job notifications (in contrast to manually polling for new jobs) on IPP printers?

(I'm using Microsoft's PrintMon tool for testing)

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