Does anyone know if at WWDC 2007 or 2008 there were iPhone sessions which were available as video? If so, where could I get these? I know about 2009, but I assume that in 2008 or 2007 very interesting things were covered under the hood regarding deep basics!
- CALayer - backgroundColor flipped?
- Core Data lightweight migration crashes after App
- How can I implement password recovery in an iPhone
- how do you prevent page scroll in textarea on mobi
- Custom UITableview cell accessibility not working
- Could I create “Call” button in HTML 5 IPhone appl
- Unable to process app at this time due to a genera
- How do you detect key up / key down events from a
- “Storyboard.storyboard” could not be opened
- Open iOS 11 Files app via URL Scheme or some other
- Can keyboard of type UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad be
- Can not export audiofiles via “open in:” from Voic
- XCode 4.5 giving me “SenTestingKit/SenTestKit.h” f
You couldn't do native iPhone development in 2007, so the only iPhone-related sessions from then were on doing web development for the device. There are so many resources for this available out there that I'm not sure you'd gain much from tracking those videos down.
I have the videos from both WWDC 2008 and 2009, and the 2009 sessions have pretty much superseded the 2008 ones. Even the engineers at Apple were still discovering the best practices for iPhone development in 2008, when the SDK was still in beta. I can't think of a topic that I didn't think was covered better by the 2009 sessions.
Normally, if you're an Apple Developer Connection Select member you have access to a library of foundational sessions from previous WWDCs on iTunes. Many Snow Leopard sessions from 2008 are available on there, but no iPhone ones, I think for the reasons I've described about. They're simply out of date by now. I'm not aware of any other way of purchasing the 2008 sessions separately.