In Entity Framework I usually do something like:
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Model).HasKey(Function(item As Model) New With {item.PropertyA, item.PropertyB })
to map a composite primary key
I need to write a generic function like:
modelBuilder.Entity(Of TModelo).HasKey( MakeLambda({“PropertyA”, “PropertyB” })
Private Function MakeLambda(Of TModelo)(nameProperties As String()) As Expression(Of Func(Of TModelo, Object))
Dim type = GetType(TModelo)
Dim listProperties As New List(Of Expression)
Dim parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "item")
For Each n As String In nameProperties
Dim refProperty = type.GetProperty(n)
listProperties.Add(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, refProperty))
Dim arrayInit = Expression.NewArrayInit(GetType(Object), listProperties)
In this point the system fails creating the new expression
Dim newExpression = Expression.Lambda(Of Func(Of TModelo, Object))(arrayInit)
Return newExpression
End Function
May be somebody has another solution to this problem
This will do. dynamic newExpression = Expression.Lambda>(arrayInit, parameter);
But this still not work for me yet. I need something like this...