I'm in the process of adding password hashing and SQL injection defenses into my Login system. Currently, I've ran into an error.
session_start(); //start the session for user profile page
define('DB_NAME','test'); //name of database
define('DB_USER','root'); //mysql user
define('DB_PASSWORD',''); //mysql password
$con = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','root','');
function SignIn($con){
$user = $_POST['user']; //user input field from html
$pass = $_POST['pass']; //pass input field from html
if(isset($_POST['user'])){ //checking the 'user' name which is from Sign-in.html, is it empty or have some text
$query = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserName where userName = :user") or die(mysqli_connect_error());
$username = $query->fetchColumn(1);
$pw = $query->fetchColumn(2);//hashed password in database
//check username and password
if($user==$username && password_verify($pass, $pw)) {
// $user and $pass are from POST
// $username and $pw are from the rows
//$_SESSION['userName'] = $row['pass'];
echo "Successfully logged in.";
else {
echo "Invalid.";
In the above code, when I enter a valid username and password, the system prints out "Invalid". It could be a error in the password_verify() in the if statement(because if I remove it, I login successfully). I'm pretty sure I've done the preparing, binding and execution of the query properly? Does anyone know why it is doing this?
You're doing a SELECT *, and using fetchColumn, so the results are dependent of the returned columns order. You should either select the specific columns you need, or fetch the whole row as an associative array , and access it by column name.
There are other two issues that you should fix:
instead of
Because fetchColumn moves cursor of result. So first call extracts 1 column of first row, and second call will extract data from SECOND row!