Installing Lpsolve in Python27

2019-09-01 10:26发布

I`m trying install

lp_solve_5.5.0.15_source.tar.gz & lp_solve_5.5.0.15_Python_source.tar.gz

in pyhton27 using windows.

I keep facing problems, as below:

  1. problem of (vcvarsall.bat) - install MinGw (resolved)
  2. proiblem of (-mno-cygwin) - delete (-mno-cygwin) in (resolved)

In CMD, using " install build --compiler=mingw32" as command to install.

Till now, I found a strange problem which I cant found any documentation to resolve it.

after run the CMD command,

It appears:

running install

running build

running build_py

running build_ext

building 'lpsolve55' extension




gcc: error: in: No such file or directory

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

The question is i dont know the meaning of "in", It should appear some codes like “lp_lib.h” or whatever.

i really dont know the answer, and I hope that someone can help me.



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