Does Ruby have any tools along the lines of pylint for analyzing source code for errors and simple coding standards?
It would be nice if it could be integrated with cruisecontrolrb for continuous integration.
Or does everyone write such good tests that they don't need source code checkers!
There's also the built-in warnings you can enable with a quick:
Or setting the global variable $VERBOSE to true at any point.
Check these out:
Since they're all command-line tools they can all be integrated simply as cc.rb tasks. Just whip out your regex skillz to pick the important part of the output.
I recommend you first try them out by hand to see if they play well with your codebase and if you like the info they give you. Once you find a few that give you value, then spend time integrating them in your cc.
I just released Excellent which implements several checks on Ruby code. It combines roodi, reek and flog and also adds some Rails specific checks:
May be helpful...
One recently-updated interesting-looking tool is Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer - roodi for short. It's at v1.3.0, so I'm guessing it's fairly mature.
I haven't tried it myself, because my code is of course already beyond reproach (hah).
As for test coverage (oh dear, I haven't tried this one either) there's rcov
Also (look, I am definitely going to try some of these today. One at least) you might care to take a look at flog and flay for another style checker and a refactoring candidate finder.
Code metrics on ruby toolbox website.
Rubocop is a widely-used static code analyzer.