I currently have an Xcode project which has a remote in the organizer for a Bithucket repository. I want to start the project over with a fresh template. However I do not want to lose all my previous commits I just want a brand new project in Xcode but to Bitbucket it should just be like another commit. How do I go about in doing this? I would like instructions on what I do in Xcode and what I do in Bitbucket. Thanks in advance!
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I've never used the built in git client in XCode, but one idea would be to create the new project, migrate over the .git folder and .gitignore (if there is one) together with the source files and resources you may need.
I'm bit curious to why you'd want to create a new project.
I'd also recommend using the terminal version of git, but that's just an aside.
It sounds like you might actually want a new project hosted on BitBucket. You have unlimited private repositories; use them.
If for some reason you want to use an anti-pattern, you could just create a separate branch for each of your products. It is much better to just create another repository for new projects though. Otherwise, it is not clear what you are tracking in the repo.