I have a problem to execute uninstallString using process, it won't work in all cases. I need a generic procedure that will run in any case.
- one of my ideas was to parse uninstall string
int indexOfExe = uninstallString.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") + 4;
string exeFile = uninstallString.Substring(0, indexOfExe).Trim();
string args = uninstallString.Substring(indexOfExe, uninstallString.Length - indexOfExe).Trim();
if (args.Length > 0)
procStartInfo.FileName = exeFile;
procStartInfo.Arguments = args;
procStartInfo.FileName = exeFile;
procStartInfo.Arguments = "";
procStartInfo.Verb = "runas";
procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false ;
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
- my second idea was:
if (uninstallString.Contains("msiexec"))
uninstallString = uninstallString.Replace("\"", "");
uninstallString = RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutside(uninstallString);
procStartInfo.FileName = "cmd";
string[] words = uninstallString.Split("/".ToCharArray());
if (uninstallString.StartsWith(@"""") && words.Count() == 1)
procStartInfo.FileName = uninstallString;
procStartInfo.Arguments = "";
//procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + "\"" + uninstallString + "\"";
if ((uninstallString.StartsWith(@"""") && words.Count() > 1))
procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + uninstallString;
procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutsideByExe(uninstallString);
but still it won't cover all cases.
What is the generic solution for all cases?
Your second idea should, technically, work (for all programs using Windows Installer). However, you need to get the proper uninstall string. I suspect the problem is your Uninstall String is incorrect.
You should be able to query the registry for the Uninstall String by looking at:
The section above marked
should have an entry for all programs which can be uninstalled. For details, see the Uninstall Registry Key.Here is my code, using the same way as Roy did,perhaps a litter simpler: