I am relatively new to XSLT, and I am having trouble coming up with a logic to select attributes and node values from a given xml.
Here is the xml I have,
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:head="http://www/example.com">
<cass:SPD xmlns:cass="http://blahblahblah">
<cass:RQ RT="Describe" FG="LOL" PD="09/22/2014" />
<cass:SP SPT="Standard" FT="Retail" PS="New" ICT="APR" >
<cass:DR DN="306532" BR="0.0790000">
<cass:FFMR ValueType="$" Value="0"/>
<cass:RV ReserveType="DP">
<cass:RTS TT="DP">
<cass:RT TMin="0" TMax="0.999999" TVT="%" TV="100"/>
<cass:Product PID="Sirius" PN="Sirius"/>
<cass:SP SPT="Standard" FT="Retail" PS="New" ICT="APR">
<cass:DR DN="306532" BR="0.1520000">
<cass:FFMR ValueType="$" Value="0"/>
<cass:RV RT="DP">
<cass:RTS TT="DP">
<cass:RT TMin="0" TMax="0.999999" TVT="%" TV="100"/>
<cass:Product PID="Sirius" PN="Sirius"/>
<cass:SPM MessageCode="" MessageType="" MessageText=""/>
And here is the output I am expecting:
So basically, there can be multiples SPS segments in the xml, and for each SPS, we want to construct a seperate XML with the EVAPP_SP tag. However RQ and SPM come only once.
My stylesheet may look horrible, because of my ignorance, but here it is :
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
xmlns:cass="http://blahblahblah" xmlns:head="http://www/example.com" exclude-result-prefixes="soap cass head">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="cass:SPD">
<xsl:apply-templates select="cass:SPM"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="cass:RQ"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="cass:SP"/>
<xsl:template match="cass:RQ">
<xsl:value-of select="@RT"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@FG"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@PD"/>
<xsl:template match="cass:SPM">
<xsl:value-of select="@MessageText"/>
So far, I get the output :
It is picking up the header information, a namespace and tag that I want to completely ignore.
Can someone please suggest a good direction in which I have to head? For example, how do I make my stylesheet ignore the header?
The behaviour you are seeing with the header is due to XSLT's built-in template rules. These are templates that are used when XSLT is looking for a template match but there is no matching one in your XSLT.
You have a template matching "cass:SPD". However, the elements "soap:Header" and "soap:Body" come before this, so the default template will be used for these. Ultimately, the built-in templates will output text nodes, which is why you see the header text appearing.
To stop this, just add this template match to your XSLT
The other issue I can see is that in your template matching "cass:SPD" you do this
But none of these elements appear to be child nodes of "cass:SPD", so you probably need to do this:
Or maybe this, if you don't know how far down they occur