I have been struggling to assign an attribute to an object (or is it an instance)
If I query the srce object about its CheckCompatibility attribute I get a response of 'False'
>>> srce.CheckCompatibility
So I am naively thinking I can save this anyway I want
But when I do that the Compatibility Checker dialog comes up. I hit continue, the file saves and I then check the compatibility again.
>>> srce.CheckCompatibility
So I again try to set it and this time I am successful
I query it once more:
>>> srce.CheckCompatibility
Now when I try to save the file the Compatibility Checker Dialog does not appear, the file saves exactly was I want it to.
I need some certainty about being able to set the attribute of srce before I attempt to save the file in another format - can this happen in some other way?
I'm not sure, but I suspect what's happening is that saving the file in XLS form is resetting the value of
since the default value of that property is True for Excel 97-2003 binary workbooks.In any case, there are multiple reasons why Excel might display a dialog when saving a file, not just the compatibility checker. I suspect what you really want is to suppress dialog boxes so that no user interactivity is required when your script saves a file. You can suppress dialog boxes by adding:
before your call to