I have downloaded "jenkins-1.501.zip" from http://jenkins-ci.org/content/thank-you-downloading-windows-installer .
I have extracted zip file and installed Jenkins on Windows 7 successfully. Jenkins runs at http://localhost:8080/
well. I want to stop Jenkins service from console. How can I do that? What's the way to start and restart through console/command line?
To stop Jenkins Please avoid shutting down the Java process or the Windows service. These are not usual commands. Use those only if your Jenkins is causing problems.
Use Jenkins' way to stop that protects from data loss.
where [command] can be any one of the following
Example: if my local PC is running Jenkins at port 8080, it will be
So by default you can open CMD and write
But if your port 8080 is already is in use,so you have to change the Jenkins port number, so for that open Jenkins folder in Program File and open Jenkins.XML file and change the port number such as 8088
Now Open CMD and write
To start Jenkins from command line
Go to the directory where your war file is placed and run the following command:
java -jar jenkins.war
To stop
Ctrl + C
These commands will work from cmd only if you run CMD with admin permissions
Open Console/Command line --> Go to your Jenkins installation directory. Execute the following commands respectively:
to stop:
jenkins.exe stop
to start:
jenkins.exe start
to restart:
jenkins.exe restart