I have around 5 edittexts.When i click submit button,it has to check whether all fields are entered or not.Along with it if any value is not entered,the focus has to go to that desired edittext.If there are many editexts empty,then the focus has to go in top down order.I have used seterror method but when i type in that editext the error msg is not going.After entering values the focus is not going to the next edittext.how to solve this issue?
caseno,dateloss,policy_rep,reg_book,Dri_lic are the different editexts used.I have written code for one editext below
caseno.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasfocus)
if(!hasfocus && caseno.getText().length()==0)
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
public void run() {
caseno.setError("Enter this field");
}, 100);
btnsubmit.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Send_reportclaim_Async reportsync=new Send_reportclaim_Async();
Check this:
Android provides a
method for this:Define a method to check whether your
s have valid data:To validate all your
, callvalidateEditTexts()
which will returntrue
accordingly.Try this. This will work.
1) create this method
2) send data to it for validation
Currently this setup is working for me...Thnks those who answered
Use this on your button click
Maintain array of EditText references: Like
Write the below code in onClick of submit button:
And, implement addTextChangedListener for all edittexts to clear the error after entering the text.