Below are my views:
1. app
- standard
2. home
- Has a list of items on left, on selection of any, will display some content on the right side in router-view (contract-view to be loaded).
3. contract-view
app.ts: route Config:
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.title = 'Contracts Portal';[
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'home', moduleId: 'home', nav: true, title: 'Home' },
{ route: 'resources', name: 'resources', moduleId: 'resources', nav: true, title: 'Resources' },
{ route: 'tools', name: 'tools', moduleId: 'tools', nav: true, title: 'Tools' }
this.router = router;
Home.ts Router Config:
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.title = "test";[
{ route: ['', 'contract-view/:id'], name: 'contract-view', moduleId: 'contract-view', nav: true, title: 'Test' }
this.router = router;
on selection of a item in home page list, I am trying to navigate as below to load content in the right pane's router-view, in home.ts
this.router.navigateToRoute("contract-view", { id: 4090 });
However it throws the error: Route not found: /contract-view/4090
At this point, it's still home page and default route, hence the url reads: http://localhost:9000/#/
and so it fails.
But, if I manually change the url to http://localhost:9000/#/home
and then select a list item, navigation to contract-view works.
What I am I missing here?
I am looking for absolute path navigation. Tried navigating to home/contract-view
but fails with error:
A route with name 'home/contract-view' could not be found. Check that name: home/contract-view
was specified in the route's config.
The default route of Home.ts has a parameter:
This might be a problem because the parameter :id is not referenced in the first name. So, I suggest you change the route as follow:
Then, to generate a navigation link you can use
attr. Like this:Hope it helps!
It is an issue with Aurelia Router framework. Discussion and workaround here: